Source code for bluedot.interactions

from time import time
from math import atan2, degrees, hypot

[docs]class BlueDotPosition: """ Represents a position of where the blue dot is pressed, released or held. :param float x: The x position of the Blue Dot, 0 being centre, -1 being far left and 1 being far right. :param float y: The y position of the Blue Dot, 0 being centre, -1 being at the bottom and 1 being at the top. """ def __init__(self, col, row, x, y): self._time = time() self._col = int(col) self._row = int(row) self._x = self._clamped(float(x)) self._y = self._clamped(float(y)) self._angle = None self._distance = None def _clamped(self, v): return max(-1, min(1, v)) @property def col(self): """ The column. """ return self._col @property def row(self): """ The row. """ return self._row @property def x(self): """ The x position of the Blue Dot, 0 being centre, -1 being far left and 1 being far right. """ return self._x @property def y(self): """ The y position of the Blue Dot, 0 being centre, -1 being at the bottom and 1 being at the top. """ return self._y @property def angle(self): """ The angle from centre of where the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released. 0 degrees is up, 0..180 degrees clockwise, -180..0 degrees anti-clockwise. """ if self._angle is None: self._angle = degrees(atan2(self.x, self.y)) return self._angle @property def distance(self): """ The distance from centre of where the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released. The radius of the Blue Dot is 1. """ if self._distance is None: self._distance = self._clamped(hypot(self.x, self.y)) return self._distance @property def middle(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released in the middle. """ return self.distance <= 0.5 @property def top(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released at the top. """ return self.distance > 0.5 and (-45 < self.angle <= 45) @property def right(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released on the right. """ return self.distance > 0.5 and (45 < self.angle <= 135) @property def bottom(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released at the bottom. """ return self.distance > 0.5 and (self.angle > 135 or self.angle <= -135) @property def left(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot is pressed, held or released on the left. """ return self.distance > 0.5 and (-135 < self.angle <= -45) @property def time(self): """ The time the blue dot was at this position. .. note:: This is the time the message was received from the Blue Dot app, not the time it was sent. """ return self._time def __str__(self): return "BlueDotPosition - col={}, row={}, x={}, y={}".format( self.col, self.row, self.x, self.y )
[docs]class BlueDotInteraction: """ Represents an interaction with the Blue Dot, from when it was pressed to when it was released. A :class:`BlueDotInteraction` can be active or inactive, i.e. it is active because the Blue Dot has not been released, or inactive because the Blue Dot was released and the interaction finished. :param BlueDotPosition pressed_position: The BlueDotPosition when the Blue Dot was pressed. """ def __init__(self, pressed_position): self._active = True self._positions = [] self._positions.append(pressed_position) @property def active(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the interaction is still active, i.e. the Blue Dot hasnt been released. """ return self._active @property def positions(self): """ A sequence of :class:`BlueDotPosition` instances for all the positions which make up this interaction. The first position is where the Blue Dot was pressed, the last is where the Blue Dot was released, all position in between are where the position Blue Dot changed (i.e. moved) when it was held down. """ return self._positions @property def pressed_position(self): """ Returns the position when the Blue Dot was pressed i.e. where the interaction started. """ return self._positions[0] @property def released_position(self): """ Returns the position when the Blue Dot was released i.e. where the interaction ended. If the interaction is still active it returns ``None``. """ return self._positions[-1] if not else None @property def current_position(self): """ Returns the current position for the interaction. If the interaction is inactive, it will return the position when the Blue Dot was released. """ return self._positions[-1] @property def previous_position(self): """ Returns the previous position for the interaction. If the interaction contains only 1 position, None will be returned. """ return self._positions[-2] if len(self._positions) > 1 else None @property def duration(self): """ Returns the duration in seconds of the interaction, i.e. the amount time between when the Blue Dot was pressed and now or when it was released. """ if return time() - self.pressed_position.time else: return self.released_position.time - self.pressed_position.time @property def distance(self): """ Returns the total distance of the Blue Dot interaction """ dist = 0 for i in range(1, len(self._positions)): p1 = self._positions[i-1] p2 = self._positions[i] dist += hypot(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y) return dist
[docs] def moved(self, moved_position): """ Adds an additional position to the interaction, called when the position the Blue Dot is pressed moves. """ if self._active: self._positions.append(moved_position)
[docs] def released(self, released_position): """ Called when the Blue Dot is released and completes a Blue Dot interaction :param BlueDotPosition released_position: The BlueDotPosition when the Blue Dot was released. """ self._active = False self._positions.append(released_position)
[docs]class BlueDotSwipe: """ Represents a Blue Dot swipe interaction. A :class:`BlueDotSwipe` can be valid or invalid based on whether the Blue Dot interaction was a swipe or not. :param BlueDotInteraction interaction: The BlueDotInteraction object to be used to determine whether the interaction was a swipe. """ def __init__(self, interaction): self._interaction = interaction self._col = interaction.current_position.col self._col = interaction.current_position.col self._speed_threshold = 2 self._angle = None self._distance = None self._valid = self._is_valid_swipe() def _is_valid_swipe(self): #the validity of a swipe is based on the speed of the interaction, # so a short fast swipe is valid as well as a long slow swipe #self._speed = self.distance / self.interaction.duration self._speed = self.distance / self.interaction.duration if not and self._speed > self._speed_threshold: return True else: return False @property def col(self): """ The column. """ return self.interaction.current_position.col @property def row(self): """ The row. """ return self.interaction.current_position.row @property def interaction(self): """ The :class:`BlueDotInteraction` object relating to this swipe. """ return self._interaction @property def valid(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot interaction is a swipe. """ return self._valid @property def distance(self): """ Returns the distance of the swipe (i.e. the distance between the pressed and released positions) """ # should this be the total length of the swipe. All the points? It might be slow to calculate if self._distance == None: self._distance = hypot( self.interaction.released_position.x - self.interaction.pressed_position.x, self.interaction.released_position.y - self.interaction.pressed_position.y) return self._distance @property def angle(self): """ Returns the angle of the swipe (i.e. the angle between the pressed and released positions) """ if self._angle == None: self._angle = degrees(atan2( self.interaction.released_position.x - self.interaction.pressed_position.x, self.interaction.released_position.y - self.interaction.pressed_position.y)) return self._angle @property def speed(self): """ Returns the speed of the swipe in Blue Dot radius / second. """ return self._speed @property def up(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was swiped up. """ return self.valid and (-45 < self.angle <= 45) @property def down(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was swiped down. """ return self.valid and (self.angle > 135 or self.angle <= -135) @property def left(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was swiped left. """ return self.valid and (-135 < self.angle <= -45) @property def right(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was swiped right. """ return self.valid and (45 < self.angle <= 135) @property def direction(self): """ Returns the direction ("up", "down", "left", "right") of the swipe. If the swipe is not valid `None` is returned. """ if self.up: return "up" elif self.down: return "down" elif self.right: return "right" elif self.left: return "left" else: return None def __str__(self): return "BlueDotSwipe - col={}, row={}, direction={}".format( self.col, self.row, self.direction )
[docs]class BlueDotRotation: def __init__(self, interaction, no_of_segments): """ Represents a Blue Dot rotation. A :class:`BlueDotRotation` can be valid or invalid based on whether the Blue Dot interaction was a rotation or not. :param BlueDotInteraction interaction: The object to be used to determine whether the interaction was a rotation. """ self._interaction = interaction self._value = 0 self._clockwise = False self._anti_clockwise = False self._previous_segment = 0 self._current_segment = 0 prev_pos = interaction.previous_position pos = interaction.current_position # was there a previous position (i.e. the interaction has more than 2 positions) if prev_pos != None: # were both positions in the 'outer circle' if prev_pos.distance > 0.5 and pos.distance > 0.5: # what segments are the positions in deg_per_seg = (360 / no_of_segments) self._previous_segment = int((prev_pos.angle + 180) / deg_per_seg) + 1 self._current_segment = int((pos.angle + 180) / deg_per_seg) + 1 # were the positions in different segments if self._previous_segment != self._current_segment: # calculate the rotation diff = self._previous_segment - self._current_segment if diff != 0: if diff == -1: self._value = 1 elif diff == 1: self._value = -1 elif diff == (no_of_segments - 1): self._value = 1 elif diff == (1 - no_of_segments): self._value = -1 @property def col(self): """ The column. """ return self.interaction.current_position.col @property def row(self): """ The row. """ return self.interaction.current_position.row @property def valid(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was rotated. """ return self._value != 0 @property def interaction(self): """ The :class:`BlueDotInteraction` object relating to this rotation. """ return self._interaction @property def value(self): """ Returns 0 if the Blue Dot wasn't rotated, -1 if rotated anti-clockwise and 1 if rotated clockwise. """ return self._value @property def anti_clockwise(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was rotated anti-clockwise. """ return self._value == -1 @property def clockwise(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the Blue Dot was rotated clockwise. """ return self._value == 1 def __str__(self): return "BlueDotRotation - col={}, row={}, value={}".format( self.col, self.row, self.value )