Source code for

from __future__ import division

import sys
import warnings
from time import sleep, time
from threading import Event
from inspect import getfullargspec

from .btcomm import BluetoothServer
from .threads import WrapThread
from .interactions import BlueDotInteraction, BlueDotPosition, BlueDotRotation, BlueDotSwipe
from .colors import parse_color, BLUE
from .exceptions import ButtonDoesNotExist

class Dot:
    The internal base class for the implementation of a "button" or "buttons".
    def __init__(self, color, square, border, visible):
        self._color = color
        self._square = square
        self._border = border
        self._visible = visible

        self._is_pressed_event = Event()
        self._is_released_event = Event()
        self._is_moved_event = Event()
        self._is_swiped_event = Event()
        self._is_double_pressed_event = Event()

        self._when_pressed = None
        self._when_pressed_background = False
        self._when_double_pressed = None
        self._when_double_pressed_background = False
        self._when_released = None
        self._when_released_background = False
        self._when_moved = None
        self._when_moved_background = False
        self._when_swiped = None
        self._when_swiped_background = False
        self._when_rotated = None
        self._when_rotated_background = False
        self._is_pressed = False
        self._position = None
        self._double_press_time = 0.3
        self._rotation_segments = 8

    def is_pressed(self):
        Returns ``True`` if the button is pressed (or held).
        return self._is_pressed

    def value(self):
        Returns a 1 if ``.is_pressed``, 0 if not.
        return 1 if self.is_pressed else 0

    def values(self):
        Returns an infinite generator constantly yielding the current value.
        while True:
            yield self.value

    def position(self):
        Returns an instance of :class:`BlueDotPosition` representing the
        current or last position the button was pressed, held or

        .. note::

            If the button is released (and inactive), :attr:`position` will
            return the position where it was released, until it is pressed
            again. If the button has never been pressed :attr:`position` will
            return ``None``.
        return self._position

    def when_pressed(self):
        Sets or returns the function which is called when the button is pressed.

        The function should accept 0 or 1 parameters, if the function accepts 1 parameter an
        instance of :class:`BlueDotPosition` will be returned representing where the button was pressed.

        The following example will print a message to the screen when the button is pressed::

            from bluedot import BlueDot

            def dot_was_pressed():
                print("The button was pressed")

            bd = BlueDot()
            bd.when_pressed = dot_was_pressed

        This example shows how the position of where the button was pressed can be obtained::

            from bluedot import BlueDot

            def dot_was_pressed(pos):
                print("The button was pressed at pos x={} y={}".format(pos.x, pos.y))

            bd = BlueDot()
            bd.when_pressed = dot_was_pressed

        The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate 
        thread use `set_when_pressed(function, background=True)`
        return self._when_pressed

    def when_pressed(self, value):
    def set_when_pressed(self, callback, background=False):
        Sets the function which is called when the button is pressed.
        :param Callable callback:
            The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback.

        :param bool background:
            If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread 
            and it will return immediately. The default is `False`.
        self._when_pressed = callback
        self._when_pressed_background = background

    def when_double_pressed(self):
        Sets or returns the function which is called when the button is double pressed.

        The function should accept 0 or 1 parameters, if the function accepts 1 parameter an
        instance of :class:`BlueDotPosition` will be returned representing where the button was
        pressed the second time.

        The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate 
        thread use `set_when_double_pressed(function, background=True)`

        .. note::
            The double press event is fired before the 2nd press event e.g. events would be
            appear in the order, pressed, released, double pressed, pressed.
        return self._when_double_pressed

    def when_double_pressed(self, value):

    def set_when_double_pressed(self, callback, background=False):
        Sets the function which is called when the button is double pressed.
        :param Callable callback:
            The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback.

        :param bool background:
            If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread 
            and it will return immediately. The default is `False`.
        self._when_double_pressed = callback
        self._when_double_pressed_background = background

    def double_press_time(self):
        Sets or returns the time threshold in seconds for a double press. Defaults to 0.3.
        return self._double_press_time

    def double_press_time(self, value):
        self._double_press_time = value

    def when_released(self):
        Sets or returns the function which is called when the button is released.

        The function should accept 0 or 1 parameters, if the function accepts 1 parameter an
        instance of :class:`BlueDotPosition` will be returned representing where the button was held
        when it was released.

        The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate 
        thread use `set_when_released(function, background=True)`
        return self._when_released

    def when_released(self, value):

    def set_when_released(self, callback, background=False):
        Sets the function which is called when the button is released.
        :param Callable callback:
            The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback.

        :param bool background:
            If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread 
            and it will return immediately. The default is `False`.
        self._when_released = callback
        self._when_released_background = background

    def when_moved(self):
        Sets or returns the function which is called when the position the button is pressed is moved.

        The function should accept 0 or 1 parameters, if the function accepts 1 parameter an
        instance of :class:`BlueDotPosition` will be returned representing the new position of where the
        Blue Dot is held.

        The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate 
        thread use `set_when_moved(function, background=True)`
        return self._when_moved

    def when_moved(self, value):

    def set_when_moved(self, callback, background=False):
        Sets the function which is called when the position the button is pressed is moved.

        :param Callable callback:
            The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback.

        :param bool background:
            If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread 
            and it will return immediately. The default is `False`.
        self._when_moved = callback
        self._when_moved_background = background

    def when_swiped(self):
        Sets or returns the function which is called when the button is swiped.

        The function should accept 0 or 1 parameters, if the function accepts 1 parameter an
        instance of :class:`BlueDotSwipe` will be returned representing the how the button was

        The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate 
        thread use `set_when_swiped(function, background=True)`
        return self._when_swiped

    def when_swiped(self, value):

    def set_when_swiped(self, callback, background=False):
        Sets the function which is called when the position the button is swiped.

        :param Callable callback:
            The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback.

        :param bool background:
            If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread 
            and it will return immediately. The default is `False`.
        self._when_swiped = callback
        self._when_swiped_background = background

    def rotation_segments(self):
        Sets or returns the number of virtual segments the button is split into for rotating.
        Defaults to 8.
        return self._rotation_segments

    def rotation_segments(self, value):
        self._rotation_segments = value

    def when_rotated(self):
        Sets or returns the function which is called when the button is rotated (like an
        iPod clock wheel).

        The function should accept 0 or 1 parameters, if the function accepts 1 parameter an
        instance of :class:`BlueDotRotation` will be returned representing how the button was

        The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate 
        thread use `set_when_rotated(function, background=True)`
        return self._when_rotated

    def when_rotated(self, value):

    def set_when_rotated(self, callback, background=False):
        Sets the function which is called when the position the button is rotated (like an
        iPod clock wheel).

        :param Callable callback:
            The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback.

        :param bool background:
            If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread 
            and it will return immediately. The default is `False`.
        self._when_rotated = callback
        self._when_rotated_background = background

    def color(self):
        Sets or returns the color of the dot. Defaults to BLUE.
        An instance of :class:`.colors.Color` is returned.

        Value can be set as a :class:`.colors.Color` object, a hex color value
        in the format `#rrggbb` or `#rrggbbaa`, a tuple of `(red, green, blue)`
        or `(red, green, blue, alpha)` values between `0` & `255` or a text 
        description of the color, e.g. "red". 
        A dictionary of available colors can be obtained from `bluedot.COLORS`.
        return self._color

    def color(self, value):
        self._color = parse_color(value)
    def square(self):
        When set to `True` the 'dot' is made square. Default is `False`.
        return self._square

    def square(self, value):
        self._square = value

    def border(self):
        When set to `True` adds a border to the dot. Default is `False`.
        return self._border

    def border(self, value):
        self._border = value

    def visible(self):
        When set to `False` the dot will be hidden. Default is `True`.

        .. note::

            Events (press, release, moved) are still sent from the dot
            when it is not visible.
        return self._visible

    def visible(self, value):
        self._visible = value

    def wait_for_press(self, timeout = None):
        Waits until a Blue Dot is pressed.
        Returns ``True`` if the button was pressed.

        :param float timeout:
            Number of seconds to wait for a Blue Dot to be pressed, if ``None``
            (the default), it will wait indefinetly.
        return self._is_pressed_event.wait(timeout)

    def wait_for_double_press(self, timeout = None):
        Waits until a Blue Dot is double pressed.
        Returns ``True`` if the button was double pressed.

        :param float timeout:
            Number of seconds to wait for a Blue Dot to be double pressed, if ``None``
            (the default), it will wait indefinetly.
        return self._is_double_pressed_event.wait(timeout)

    def wait_for_release(self, timeout = None):
        Waits until a Blue Dot is released.
        Returns ``True`` if the button was released.

        :param float timeout:
            Number of seconds to wait for a Blue Dot to be released, if ``None``
            (the default), it will wait indefinetly.
        return self._is_released_event.wait(timeout)

    def wait_for_move(self, timeout = None):
        Waits until the position where the button is pressed is moved.
        Returns ``True`` if the position pressed on the button was moved.

        :param float timeout:
            Number of seconds to wait for the position that the button
            is pressed to move, if ``None`` (the default), it will wait indefinetly.
        return self._is_moved_event.wait(timeout)

    def wait_for_swipe(self, timeout = None):
        Waits until the button is swiped.
        Returns ``True`` if the button was swiped.

        :param float timeout:
            Number of seconds to wait for the button to be swiped, if ``None``
            (the default), it will wait indefinetly.
        return self._is_swiped_event.wait(timeout)

    def press(self, position):
        Processes any "pressed" events associated with this dot.

        :param BlueDotPosition position:
            The BlueDotPosition where the dot was pressed.
        self._position = position
        self._is_pressed = True

        self._process_callback(self.when_pressed, position, self._when_pressed_background)

    def release(self, position):
        Processes any "released" events associated with this dot.

        :param BlueDotPosition position:
            The BlueDotPosition where the Dot was pressed.
        self._position = position
        self._is_pressed = False

        self._process_callback(self.when_released, position, self._when_released_background)

    def move(self, position):
        Processes any "released" events associated with this dot.

        :param BlueDotPosition position:
            The BlueDotPosition where the Dot was pressed.

        self._process_callback(self.when_moved, position, self._when_moved_background)

    def double_press(self, position):
        Processes any "double press" events associated with this dot.
        :param BlueDotPosition position:
            The BlueDotPosition where the Dot was pressed.

        self._process_callback(self.when_double_pressed, position, self._when_double_pressed_background)

    def swipe(self, swipe):
        Processes any "swipe" events associated with this dot.
        :param BlueDotSwipe swipe:
            The BlueDotSwipe representing how the dot was swiped.

        self._process_callback(self.when_swiped, swipe, self._when_swiped_background)

    def rotate(self, rotation):
        Processes any "rotation" events associated with this dot.
        :param BlueDotRotation rotation:
            The BlueDotRotation representing how the dot was rotated.
        # print("rotating - when_rotated {}")
        self._process_callback(self.when_rotated, rotation, self._when_rotated_background)
    def _process_callback(self, callback, arg, background):
        if callback:
            args_expected = getfullargspec(callback).args
            no_args_expected = len(args_expected)
            if len(args_expected) > 0:
                # if someone names the first arg of a class function to something
                # other than self, this will fail! or if they name the first argument
                # of a non class function to self this will fail!
                if args_expected[0] == "self":
                    no_args_expected -= 1

            if no_args_expected == 0:
                call_back_t = WrapThread(target=callback)
                call_back_t = WrapThread(target=callback, args=(arg, ))

            # if this callback is not running in the background wait for it
            if not background:

[docs]class BlueDotButton(Dot): """ Represents a single button on the button client applications. It keeps tracks of when and where the button has been pressed and processes any events. This class is intended for use via :class:`BlueDot` and should not be instantiated "manually". A button can be interacted with individually via :class:`BlueDot` by stating its position in the grid e.g. :: from bluedot import BlueDot bd = BlueDot() first_button = bd[0,0].wait_for_press first_button.wait_for_press() print("The first button was pressed") :param BlueDot bd: The BlueDot object this button belongs too. :param int col: The column position for this button in the grid. :param int col: The row position for this button in the grid. :param string color The color of the button. Can be set as a :class:`.colors.Color` object, a hex color value in the format `#rrggbb` or `#rrggbbaa`, a tuple of `(red, green, blue)` or `(red, green, blue, alpha)` values between `0` & `255` or a text description of the color, e.g. "red". A dictionary of available colors can be obtained from `bluedot.COLORS`. :param bool square: When set to `True` the button is made square. :param bool border: When set to `True` adds a border to the button. :param bool visible: When set to `False` the button will be hidden. """ def __init__(self, bd, col, row, color, square, border, visible): self._bd = bd self.col = col self.row = row self._interaction = None # setup the "dot" super().__init__(color, square, border, visible) @property def color(self): return super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).color.fget(self) @color.setter def color(self, value): super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).color.fset(self, value) self._send_config() @property def square(self): return super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).square.fget(self) @square.setter def square(self, value): super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).square.fset(self, value) self._send_config() @property def border(self): return super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).border.fget(self) @border.setter def border(self, value): super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).border.fset(self, value) self._send_config() @property def visible(self): return super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).visible.fget(self) @visible.setter def visible(self, value): super(BlueDotButton, self.__class__).visible.fset(self, value) self._send_config() @property def modified(self): """ Returns `True` if the button's appearance has been modified [is different] from the default. """ return not ( self.color == self._bd.color and self.visible == self._bd.visible and self.border == self._bd.border and self.square == self._bd.square ) @property def interaction(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`BlueDotInteraction` representing the current or last interaction with the button. .. note:: If the button is released (and inactive), :attr:`interaction` will return the interaction when it was released, until it is pressed again. If the button has never been pressed :attr:`interaction` will return ``None``. """ return self._interaction
[docs] def press(self, position): """ Processes any "pressed" events associated with this button. :param BlueDotPosition position: The BlueDotPosition where the dot was pressed. """ super().press(position) # create new interaction self._interaction = BlueDotInteraction(position)
[docs] def release(self, position): """ Processes any "released" events associated with this button. :param BlueDotPosition position: The BlueDotPosition where the Dot was pressed. """ super().release(position) self._interaction.released(position)
[docs] def move(self, position): """ Processes any "released" events associated with this button. :param BlueDotPosition position: The BlueDotPosition where the Dot was pressed. """ super().move(position) self._interaction.moved(position)
[docs] def is_double_press(self, position): """ Returns True if the position passed represents a double press. i.e. The last interaction was the button was to release it, and the time to press is less than the double_press_time. :param BlueDotPosition position: The BlueDotPosition where the Dot was pressed. """ double_press = False #was there a previous interaction if self._interaction: # was the previous interaction complete (i.e. had it been released) if not # was it less than the time threshold (0.3 seconds) if self._interaction.duration < self._double_press_time: #was the dot pressed again in less than the threshold if time() - self._interaction.released_position.time < self._double_press_time: double_press = True return double_press
[docs] def get_swipe(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`BlueDotSwipe` if the last interaction with the button was a swipe. Returns `None` if the button was not swiped. """ swipe = BlueDotSwipe(self.interaction) if swipe.valid: return swipe
[docs] def get_rotation(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`BlueDotRotation` if the last interaction with the button was a rotation. Returns `None` if the button was not rotated. """ # only bother checking to see if its a rotation if `when_rotated` # as been set. Performance thang! if self.when_rotated or self._bd.when_rotated: rotation = BlueDotRotation(self._interaction, self._rotation_segments) if rotation.valid: return rotation
def _build_config_msg(self): return "5,{},{},{},{},{},{}\n".format( self.color, int(self.square), int(self.border), int(self.visible), self.col, self.row ) def _send_config(self): if self._bd.is_connected: self._bd._server.send(self._build_config_msg())
[docs]class BlueDot(Dot): """ Interacts with a Blue Dot client application, communicating when and where a button has been pressed, released or held. This class starts an instance of :class:`.btcomm.BluetoothServer` which manages the connection with the Blue Dot client. This class is intended for use with a Blue Dot client application. The following example will print a message when the Blue Dot button is pressed:: from bluedot import BlueDot bd = BlueDot() bd.wait_for_press() print("The button was pressed") Multiple buttons can be created, by changing the number of columns and rows. Each button can be referenced using its [col, row]:: bd = BlueDot(cols=2, rows=2) bd[0,0].wait_for_press() print("Top left button pressed") bd[1,1].wait_for_press() print("Bottom right button pressed") :param str device: The Bluetooth device the server should use, the default is "hci0", if your device only has 1 Bluetooth adapter this shouldn't need to be changed. :param int port: The Bluetooth port the server should use, the default is 1, and under normal use this should never need to change. :param bool auto_start_server: If ``True`` (the default), the Bluetooth server will be automatically started on initialisation; if ``False``, the method :meth:`start` will need to be called before connections will be accepted. :param bool power_up_device: If ``True``, the Bluetooth device will be powered up (if required) when the server starts. The default is ``False``. Depending on how Bluetooth has been powered down, you may need to use :command:`rfkill` to unblock Bluetooth to give permission to bluez to power on Bluetooth:: sudo rfkill unblock bluetooth :param bool print_messages: If ``True`` (the default), server status messages will be printed stating when the server has started and when clients connect / disconnect. :param int cols: The number of columns in the grid of buttons. Defaults to ``1``. :param int rows: The number of rows in the grid of buttons. Defaults to ``1``. """ def __init__(self, device = "hci0", port = 1, auto_start_server = True, power_up_device = False, print_messages = True, cols = 1, rows = 1): self._data_buffer = "" self._device = device self._port = port self._power_up_device = power_up_device self._print_messages = print_messages self._check_protocol_event = Event() self._is_connected_event = Event() self._when_client_connects = None self._when_client_connects_background = False self._when_client_disconnects = None self._when_client_disconnects_background = False # setup the main "dot" super().__init__(BLUE, False, False, True) # setup the grid self._buttons = {} self.resize(cols, rows) self._create_server() if auto_start_server: self.start() @property def buttons(self): """ A list of :class:`BlueDotButton` objects in the "grid". """ return self._buttons.values() @property def cols(self): """ Sets or returns the number of columns in the grid of buttons. """ return self._cols @cols.setter def cols(self, value): self.resize(value, self._rows) @property def rows(self): """ Sets or returns the number of rows in the grid of buttons. """ return self._rows @rows.setter def rows(self, value): self.resize(self._cols, value) @property def device(self): """ The Bluetooth device the server is using. This defaults to "hci0". """ return self._device @property def port(self): """ The port the server is using. This defaults to 1. """ return self._port @property def server(self): """ The :class:`.btcomm.BluetoothServer` instance that is being used to communicate with clients. """ return self._server @property def adapter(self): """ The :class:`.btcomm.BluetoothAdapter` instance that is being used. """ return self._server.adapter @property def paired_devices(self): """ Returns a sequence of devices paired with this adapter :code:`[(mac_address, name), (mac_address, name), ...]`:: bd = BlueDot() devices = bd.paired_devices for d in devices: device_address = d[0] device_name = d[1] """ return self._server.adapter.paired_devices @property def print_messages(self): """ When set to ``True`` messages relating to the status of the Bluetooth server will be printed. """ return self._print_messages @print_messages.setter def print_messages(self, value): self._print_messages = value @property def running(self): """ Returns a ``True`` if the server is running. """ return self._server.running @property def is_connected(self): """ Returns ``True`` if a Blue Dot client is connected. """ return self._is_connected_event.is_set() @property def is_pressed(self): """ Returns ``True`` if the button is pressed (or held). .. note:: If there are multiple buttons, if any button is pressed, `True` will be returned. """ for button in self.buttons: if button._is_pressed: return True return False @property def interaction(self): """ Returns an instance of :class:`BlueDotInteraction` representing the current or last interaction with the Blue Dot. .. note:: If the Blue Dot is released (and inactive), :attr:`interaction` will return the interaction when it was released, until it is pressed again. If the Blue Dot has never been pressed :attr:`interaction` will return ``None``. If there are multiple buttons, the interaction will only be returned for button [0,0] .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 """ return self._get_button((0,0)).interaction @property def rotation_segments(self): """ Sets or returns the number of virtual segments the button is split into for rotating. Defaults to 8. .. note:: If there are multiple buttons in the grid, the 'default' value will be returned and when set all buttons will be updated. """ return super(BlueDot, self.__class__).rotation_segments.fget(self) @rotation_segments.setter def rotation_segments(self, value): super(BlueDot, self.__class__).rotation_segments.fset(self, value) for button in self.buttons: button.rotation_segments = value @property def double_press_time(self): """ Sets or returns the time threshold in seconds for a double press. Defaults to 0.3. .. note:: If there are multiple buttons in the grid, the 'default' value will be returned and when set all buttons will be updated. """ return super(BlueDot, self.__class__).double_press_time.fget(self) @double_press_time.setter def double_press_time(self, value): super(BlueDot, self.__class__).double_press_time.fset(self, value) for button in self.buttons: button.double_press_time = value @property def color(self): """ Sets or returns the color of the button. Defaults to BLUE. An instance of :class:`.colors.Color` is returned. Value can be set as a :class:`.colors.Color` object, a hex color value in the format `#rrggbb` or `#rrggbbaa`, a tuple of `(red, green, blue)` or `(red, green, blue, alpha)` values between `0` & `255` or a text description of the color, e.g. "red". A dictionary of available colors can be obtained from `bluedot.COLORS`. .. note:: If there are multiple buttons in the grid, the 'default' value will be returned and when set all buttons will be updated. """ return super(BlueDot, self.__class__).color.fget(self) @color.setter def color(self, value): super(BlueDot, self.__class__).color.fset(self, value) for button in self.buttons: button.color = value @property def square(self): """ When set to `True` the 'dot' is made square. Default is `False`. .. note:: If there are multiple buttons in the grid, the 'default' value will be returned and when set all buttons will be updated. """ return super(BlueDot, self.__class__).square.fget(self) @square.setter def square(self, value): super(BlueDot, self.__class__).square.fset(self, value) for button in self.buttons: button.square = value @property def border(self): """ When set to `True` adds a border to the dot. Default is `False`. .. note:: If there are multiple buttons in the grid, the 'default' value will be returned and when set all buttons will be updated. """ return super(BlueDot, self.__class__).border.fget(self) @border.setter def border(self, value): super(BlueDot, self.__class__).border.fset(self, value) for button in self.buttons: button.border = value @property def visible(self): """ When set to `False` the dot will be hidden. Default is `True`. .. note:: Events (press, release, moved) are still sent from the dot when it is not visible. If there are multiple buttons in the grid, the 'default' value will be returned and when set all buttons will be updated. """ return super(BlueDot, self.__class__).visible.fget(self) @visible.setter def visible(self, value): super(BlueDot, self.__class__).visible.fset(self, value) for button in self.buttons: button.visible = value @property def when_client_connects(self): """ Sets or returns the function which is called when a Blue Dot application connects. The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate thread use `set_when_client_connects(function, background=True)` """ return self._when_client_connects @when_client_connects.setter def when_client_connects(self, value): self.set_when_client_connects(value)
[docs] def set_when_client_connects(self, callback, background=False): """ Sets the function which is called when a Blue Dot connects. :param Callable callback: The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback. :param bool background: If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread and it will return immediately. The default is `False`. """ self._when_client_connects = callback self._when_client_connects_background = background
@property def when_client_disconnects(self): """ Sets or returns the function which is called when a Blue Dot disconnects. The function will be run in the same thread and block, to run in a separate thread use `set_when_client_disconnects(function, background=True)` """ return self._when_client_disconnects @when_client_disconnects.setter def when_client_disconnects(self, value): self.set_when_client_disconnects(value)
[docs] def set_when_client_disconnects(self, callback, background=False): """ Sets the function which is called when a Blue Dot disconnects. :param Callable callback: The function to call, setting to `None` will stop the callback. :param bool background: If set to `True` the function will be run in a separate thread and it will return immediately. The default is `False`. """ self._when_client_disconnects = callback self._when_client_disconnects_background = background
[docs] def wait_for_connection(self, timeout = None): """ Waits until a Blue Dot client connects. Returns ``True`` if a client connects. :param float timeout: Number of seconds to wait for a wait connections, if ``None`` (the default), it will wait indefinetly for a connection from a Blue Dot client. """ return self._is_connected_event.wait(timeout)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the :class:`.btcomm.BluetoothServer` if it is not already running. By default the server is started at initialisation. """ self._server.start() self._print_message("Server started {}".format(self.server.server_address)) self._print_message("Waiting for connection")
def _create_server(self): self._server = BluetoothServer( self._data_received, when_client_connects = self._client_connected, when_client_disconnects = self._client_disconnected, device = self.device, port = self.port, power_up_device = self._power_up_device, auto_start = False)
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the Bluetooth server. """ self._server.stop()
[docs] def allow_pairing(self, timeout = 60): """ Allow a Bluetooth device to pair with your Raspberry Pi by putting the adapter into discoverable and pairable mode. :param int timeout: The time in seconds the adapter will remain pairable. If set to ``None`` the device will be discoverable and pairable indefinetly. """ self.server.adapter.allow_pairing(timeout = timeout)
[docs] def resize(self, cols, rows): """ Resizes the grid of buttons. :param int cols: The number of columns in the grid of buttons. :param int rows: The number of rows in the grid of buttons. .. note:: Existing buttons will retain their state (color, border, etc) when resized. New buttons will be created with the default values set by the :class:`BlueDot`. """ self._cols = cols self._rows = rows # create new buttons new_buttons = {} for c in range(cols): for r in range(rows): # if button already exist, reuse it if (c,r) in self._buttons.keys(): new_buttons[c,r] = self._buttons[c,r] else: new_buttons[c,r] = BlueDotButton(self, c, r, self._color, self._square, self._border, self._visible) self._buttons = new_buttons self._send_bluedot_config()
def _get_button(self, key): try: return self._buttons[key] except KeyError: raise ButtonDoesNotExist("The button `{}` does not exist".format(key)) def _client_connected(self): self._is_connected_event.set() self._print_message("Client connected {}".format(self.server.client_address)) self._send_bluedot_config() if self.when_client_connects: self._process_callback(self.when_client_connects, None, self._when_client_connects_background) # wait for the protocol version to be checked. if not self._check_protocol_event.wait(CHECK_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT): self._print_message("Protocol version not received from client - do you need to update the client to the latest version?") self._server.disconnect_client() def _client_disconnected(self): self._is_connected_event.clear() self._check_protocol_event.clear() self._print_message("Client disconnected") if self.when_client_disconnects: self._process_callback(self.when_client_disconnects, None, self._when_client_disconnects_background) def _data_received(self, data): #add the data received to the buffer self._data_buffer += data #get any full commands ended by \n last_command = self._data_buffer.rfind("\n") if last_command != -1: commands = self._data_buffer[:last_command].split("\n") #remove the processed commands from the buffer self._data_buffer = self._data_buffer[last_command + 1:] self._process_commands(commands) def _process_commands(self, commands): for command in commands: # debug - print each command # print(command) operation = command.split(",")[0] params = command.split(",")[1:] # dot change operation? if operation in ["0", "1", "2"]: position = None try: button, position = self._parse_interaction_msg(operation, params) self._position = position except ValueError: # warn about the occasional corrupt command warnings.warn("Data received which could not be parsed.\n{}".format(command)) except ButtonDoesNotExist: # data received for a button which could not be found warnings.warn("Data received for a button which does not exist.\n{}".format(command)) else: # dot released if operation == "0": self._process_release(button, position) # dot pressed elif operation == "1": self._process_press(button, position) # dot pressed position moved elif operation == "2": self._process_move(button, position) # protocol check elif operation == "3": self._check_protocol_version(params[0], params[1]) else: # operation not identified... warnings.warn("Data received for an unknown operation.\n{}".format(command)) def _parse_interaction_msg(self, operation, params): """ Parses an interaction (press, move, release) message and returns the component parts """ # parse message col = int(params[0]) row = int(params[1]) position = BlueDotPosition(col, row, params[2], params[3]) button = self._get_button((col, row)) return button, position def _process_press(self, button, position): # was the button double pressed? if button.is_double_press(position): self.double_press(position) button.double_press(position) # set the blue dot and button as pressed def _process_move(self, button, position): # set the blue dot as moved self.move(position) # set the button as moved button.move(position) # was it a rotation rotation = button.get_rotation() if rotation is not None: self.rotate(rotation) button.rotate(rotation) def _process_release(self, button, position): # set the blue dot as released self.release(position) # set the button as released button.release(position) # was it a swipe? swipe = button.get_swipe() if swipe is not None: self.swipe(swipe) button.swipe(swipe) def _check_protocol_version(self, protocol_version, client_name): try: version_no = int(protocol_version) except ValueError: raise ValueError("protocol version number must be numeric, received {}.".format(protocol_version)) self._check_protocol_event.set() if version_no != PROTOCOL_VERSION: msg = "Client '{}' was using protocol version {}, bluedot python library is using version {}. " if version_no > PROTOCOL_VERSION: msg += "Update the bluedot python library, using 'sudo pip3 --upgrade install bluedot'." msg = msg.format(client_name, protocol_version, PROTOCOL_VERSION) else: msg += "Update the {}." msg = msg.format(client_name, protocol_version, PROTOCOL_VERSION, client_name) self._server.disconnect_client() print(msg) # called whenever the BlueDot configuration is changed or a client connects def _send_bluedot_config(self): if self.is_connected: self._server.send( "4,{},{},{},{},{},{}\n".format( self._color.str_rgba, int(self._square), int(self._border), int(self._visible), self._cols, self._rows ) ) # send the configuration for the individual buttons button_config_msg = "" for button in self.buttons: if button.modified: button_config_msg += button._build_config_msg() if button_config_msg != "": self._server.send(button_config_msg) def _print_message(self, message): if self.print_messages: print(message) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._get_button(key)